I have got this watch for my birthday and I think that it was one of the best gifts that I got this year. I have never seen a gadget watch like this.
It has no numbers the only think it has is some LED lights and the LCD display. It is a combined display that looks pretty good and gives the watch a futuristic look.
It is very easy to figure out how to "understand" this watch. There is an outer circle of big LED's that indicate the hour and there are twelve LED's there of course. The other circle that consists of small dots show you the minutes.
The coolest thing I think is the way it displays the seconds: there are 30 squares right in the middle. Firs they all light up and then when they reach to 30 they start to drain down until the minute ends.
Having this watch would be very interesting because it is very unusual and you really need to get used to that watch gadget.
This is not the end of the features this gadget has. First of all it will show you the time and date. Many other watches do not have such a feature so it is a good thing about this watch. It is a bit hard to read it though. When you press the button to show you the date a special indicator lights up in the middle of the screen. Now the outer circle will start showing you the month and the inner circle will show you the days. It is hard to tell what day it is because the lights of inner circle are very small.
The other feature that this gadget has is the alarm. You can set the alarm and it will wake you up very easy. It beeps very loud so you will hear it anyway. There is a light on the screen that indicates whether the alarm is on or off.
Its body is made of stainless steel so you do not have to worry about breaking it. This watch gadget is very durable and will last very long. Besides, it is water resistant up to 100 meters which is about 330 feet. They come in two colors: black and silver so it is up to you to choose the style of your watch.
I am not sure about the cost of this watch gadget but it surely looks very neat. I have heard that it does not cost that much. (I am not supposed to hear that but I heard my wife speaking about it.) That means that everybody can buy such a present for the person he or she loves.
The only thing that I do not like about this watch is how much the battery will hold. There are many LED light, besides the LCD screen needs energy too.
Generally this gadget watch has medium functionality but it has a very cool futuristic look and that means that you are going to bee cool wearing this gadget.

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