The last time we talked about the Toshiba G810, new touchscreen smart phones, we were left with positive comments on the fluidity of the interface, able to cope without trouble sacred monsters as the i phone.
Despite the good impressions, it seems that the first review incoming strontiums are for the little hand held, due to some defects including directional pad and buttons completely touch screen (and completely usability to that of the reviewers) and Q VGA screen, severe lack for a cellphone high-end output in this period.
In addition to these problems it seems that quality of assembly and materials are not worthy price of $ 700 to which this smart phone will be offered. Despite various problems, some strong points are highlighted, including the interface sob and good quality of photos, in addition to a surprising fluidity that we found in the video of last post.
Before putting the word condemned on Toshiba G810, therefore, expect a direct review of this smart phone as soon as Toshiba, there will an opportunity. After the jump find the video boxing’s.

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